This trail is often hiked from Nikkaluokta to Saltoluokta, but logisitics with Loise grandparents dropping us off and picking us up just made sense for us to take on the trail in revers. We were blessed with lots of rain, mud and wind. It even blew up to storm and we had to barricade at the fjellstation Tesaujaure.
Day 1 Vakkotavare to Tesaujaure 15 km
We went by car from Saltoloukta to Vakkotavare and started our hike to Tesaujaure at 10 pm. The whole walk was in Stora Sjöfallets nationalpark and it was a beautiful. Lots of water on the trails, since we did not have the best weather. It was steep in the beginning and downhills for the last kilometers or so, and the hike finished with a boatride to the fjellstation in Teusaujaure.
Day 2 Teusajaure to Singi 22 km
The idea is to do this part in two days, where the first day is 9 km from Teusajaure to Kaitumjaure, and the second day is 13 km from Kaitumjaure to Singi. We however, decided we could do them in one day. It was a challange! Mostly because of the extreme wind we had but also because of the rocky terrain. This was also the highest point of the trip, with about 780 mao. Much part of this trail was also under constructions, so we had to jump around alot on planks. Should be finished by now tho.
Day 3 Singi to Kebnekaise 15 km
The most beautiful landscape we have seen in Sweden. Highly recommend! It was partly a bit rocky terrain, but totalt acceptable. This area have some of the most classic climbing routes you can do in Sweden.
Day 4 Kebnekaise to Nikkaluokta 19 km
During this day we passed a river called Darfáljohka that consists of water coming from the graciers in Tarfala valley. Lots of bridges but such a good trail downhills. When coming closer to nikkaluokta we had a great view over the Kebnekaise mountains.
The whole trail is mostly on the Kungsleden (The kingstrail) which allow dogs during the summers. How ever, it was lots of reindeers around the trials, difficult bridges to pass (yes, you have to pass them) and rocky terrain, so the conditions probably do not fit all dogs. Our dog Zorro is a well behaved dog, who is not bothered by terrain such as rocks, water, mud, bridges or what ever. He was leashed the entire way and did not bother the reindeers what so ever. If you need tips and trix on how to train your dog for a hike, we have a series about it over on our YT channel (on shorts), so go check it out!